Jessica Fox-Wilson’98 and Susan Kasten
June 08, 2020



Sometimes something beautiful emerges out of a crisis.

Take Beloiters Helping Beloiters, for instance. 新的网络努力将校友志愿者小组与在疫情期间进入就业市场的2020届毕业生精心匹配起来. The alumni serve as coaches, champions, and mentors, 并为伯洛伊特大学的毕业生在一个充满挑战的时刻开始找工作提供帮助.

The project launched rapidly in early April, 由伯洛伊特校友委员会和管理现有职业框架的学院员工领导, such as Beloit’s new Channels program, Career and Community Engagement Center, Alumni and Parent Relations, and the Provost’s Office.

校友通过分享他们的专业网络来帮助新毕业生, coaching and mentoring, and committing time to offer encouragement and support.

“A lot of alumni want to help and be active, but most only recognize donations as one possible avenue,” says Joe Brambil’16, 谁在校友会和该计划背后的指导小组任职. “这确实为人们的参与开辟了许多创造性的渠道.”

今年4月,校友委员会副主席蒂姆·史密斯(Tim Smith)在校友Facebook群中发布了一篇帖子,要求校友志愿者, 几乎在一夜之间,他收到了大约150条回复.

83岁的琳达·阿普尔比(Linda Appleby)等校友会成员说,校友们一直有兴趣帮助新来的Beloiters, 但疫情对就业市场的影响迅速动员了所有人. Brooks Riendl’99, Beloit’s Alumni Board president, agrees. “这是我们讨论了很长时间的事情,”瑞德尔说. “When I heard about this, I was 100 percent on board.” Both Appleby and Riendl are serving on the steering team.

How it Started

Matt Laszlo和Brian Morello就学生简历提出建议. Matt Laszlo和Brian Morello就学生简历提出建议.这一倡议源于一门名为“导航你的(商业)职业”的课程. 今年春天,92届的马特·拉兹洛(Matt Laszlo)作为伯洛伊特大学首任驻校行政人员教授这门课程, a new post within the economics department. Like the rest of Beloit’s faculty, 当新的冠状病毒扰乱了拉兹洛的面对面课程时,他不得不立即采取行动. 他重新设计了课程的后半部分,将重点放在组织如何应对危机上. 他把解决问题的方法看作是一个机会,让学生从他们周围发生的事情中学习, as well as providing a way for them to process the crisis.

“我希望学生们开始这样思考,”拉兹洛说. “Let’s say we were in charge of the college right now. What would be most critical?”

His students generated a couple dozen suggestions, 和拉兹洛提高了赌注,他们承诺向教务长埃里克·博因顿(Eric Boynton)提交他们的提案. 课堂上的许多建议已经得到了解决, 但即将毕业的大四学生尤其关心如何建立足够的人脉,以维持长期的求职. That’s what hatched Beloiters Helping Beloiters.

As of this writing, 111 alumni were signed on to the project, and 96 newly minted graduates were participating, which is 31 percent of the graduating class. 

To facilitate small group matches, students initially filled out a couple of surveys, 而指导小组则帮助建立了特定行业的校友集群.

就业中心挖掘了学生的预约数据,并利用工作人员与学生之间的个人关系来进行匹配. 拉兹洛表示,在将新毕业生和校友联系起来的过程中,有很多个人知识都是考虑因素. 拉兹洛说:“我们真的在努力策划和个性化比赛. “这不仅仅是纸上的配对,这是最好的配对.”

Landing that First Job

即使这个项目刚刚起步,学生们也很好地利用了校友们的帮助. Christopher Mazza’20, 谁在一个专注于商业和创业的集群中, 他说,通过这个项目,他已经与10到15名校友进行了互动, and some, including Laszlo, 有没有帮助他将自己的人脉扩展到校友社区之外.

他有过两次市场营销实习经历,在贝洛伊特的创业中心也有过丰富的实践经验, Mazza had started an early job search last fall. 他认识到,疫情短期内会让他倒退, 但他的长期目标没有改变:在传播或营销领域找到一份全职工作.


“我认为这是学院应该做的事情,” Mazza says, “这正是冠状病毒大流行的时刻, 但我认为疫情结束后不应该停止.”

And it won’t. 尽管这一试点努力迅速结合起来,对紧急情况作出了反应, 伯洛伊特学院已经在为学生开发专业网络,作为其新的职业渠道项目和学院的职业和社区参与中心的一部分.

校友关系主任沙曼·特纳(Sharman Turner)将今年夏天校友的参与程度描述为“一个大要求和一个大承诺”.她说,从现在到劳动节,这个项目将高速运转.

认识到并不是所有校友都能如此投入志愿服务, 就业中心制定了一系列校友可以提供帮助的其他方式, 比如发布公司提供的工作和实习机会. 即使是通过电子邮件审查学生的薪资,着眼于某个特定行业,也可能只需要一个小时.

而今年夏天的“贝洛伊特人帮助贝洛伊特人”项目已经启动并开始运行, alumni are encouraged to contact the Alumni and Parent Relations Office or the Career and Community Engagement Center if they have interests in future mentoring initiatives.

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